Healthy, Clean Environment
Teachers and staff clean and sanitize surfaces multiple times throughout the school day. Toys and nonporous materials are sanitized with a solution of bleach or heat sanitized in our commercial dishwasher. The entire Center is professionally cleaned at the end of each day of operation by building staff.

Clean Little Hands!
Staying healthy begins with good handwashing. There is hand sanitizer available for adults at the family entrance to the Center. Children will wash their hands as they enter the classroom. Plenty of soap, water and paper towels are available in every classroom.
The Center has an illness prevention policy consistent with the Ohio Department of Health guidelines for communicable disease management. Children exhibiting symptoms consistent with these guidelines will be isolated and parents will be notified to take their child home for a specified period identified in the

Indoor & Outdoor Physical Activity
Children First of Cleveland is an active Center that encourages daily physical activity, both indoors and outdoors to help your child achieve a healthy lifestyle for her or his entire life. Healthy food choices and at least 60 minutes of physical activity daily have positive outcomes on your child’s learning and development. Here is a simple tip – “for a walking child, allow them to walk into the Center rather than carrying them. This helps them to learn healthy habits and enjoy all physical activity”.